This time 2 years ago I was gearing up for my birthday and also my 3rd and biggest surgery. The “Lat flap” surgery that took 8 hours and had me in 3 or 4 different positions on the operating table. It involved taking skin and muscle from my back and nerves still in tact moving it around to the front to make a patch so I would have enough room to put in an expander and later an implant. When they did my mascetomy the mass was bigger than they thought and there wasn't enough room to put the expander for reconstruction. I had one expander on the right and flat on the left for 7 months. It is amazing what you can get used to as your new normal. I had a little pillow that I put in the left side when I went out but at home I wouldn't use it. I have photos where you can see the difference. I wanted to have some photos of what was real. The reality was that I lived with just one breast for 7 months. I never felt like a part of me had been "amputated" I saw it as the surgeon h...