following doctors orders with 3 kids and a puppy

Sitting here with a big drain sticking out of my side with a safety pin holding it to a Stella & Dot badge rope around my neck. I was supposed to be getting the drain out today but had to reschedule the appointment to Monday because the drain amount jumped up yesterday. It's supposed to be less than 30 ml for 2 days in a row before I can get the drain out and it was steady heading that direction until 2 days ago I wasn't thinking and grabbed Mandy (puppy) with my left hand and lifted her off the sofa and set her on the floor because she was trying to chew on anything that moved and that included my hand, shirt and even the drain tube if it got to close. I knew as soon as I didi it it was a mistake. I used muscles I wasn't supposed to be using. The next morning my drain volume was 22 and I knew it wasn't going to be a good day. The evening kept the chaos going with breaking up fights with Ava and Ashley to the point I had to physically wedge my self between them and lean on Ashley so she wouldn't get up and attack Ava. The total for the day ended up being 37 ml. I told the nurse on the phone I had a wedding to go to tomorrow and had hoped to get the drain out today. She said she could talk to the other surgeon but if I ended up with fluid build up they would have to drain it with a needle. Enough said, leave the drain in...
 2 weeks ago I under went surgery to reconstruct my left breast. The cancer side. I had to have what they call a "Lat flap" done. This procedure takes skin and muscle from my back and moves it around to the front to expand the skin so an expander can be put in to create a new breast.
And just like that there were 2. Since my mastectomy on September 9th I have only had one breast. It has been so odd. A year ago I would have never imagined I would have gone thru so much in such a short amount of time.


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