My "Cancer Card" Expired

For those cancer survivors out there, did you ever feel like there was a moment when your "Cancer Card" expired? At first thought it sounds like it would be a good thing. Oh, my cancer card expired, I'm back to being one of the "normal" people. You'd never know I had cancer and went thru hell because my hair has grown back, I've gained back the weight I lost during all that chemo and those 5 surgeries. But for me, there were those people who were only nice to me because I "was the one who had cancer' The mean people at work or at the kids school who were mean to everyone but for some reason were not mean to me. I found out it was because I was the "one who had cancer' and if they were mean to me it would make them look like the assholes they really were. I don't use that word often or lightly.
 So, about midnight last night I guess my "cancer card" expired because the jerk at work decided to target me about that time. I don't have time for this bull shit and after all I have been thru I seriously just want to say a nice F-You and be done with it but my family needs income and I do like the other people I work with so what's a girl to do?
 Stick with the toxic co-worker or move on?


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