Today I got to take over Stand Up 2 Cancers Instagram Story page. It was really great getting to tell my story and partner with not only Stand Up 2 Cancer but with Beautycounter as well. They are working together this month to raise money for Stand Up 2 Cancer. I am so excited to be able to tell my story and add another experience to my story. I hope someone gets to see it and feel inspired because I really believe that Hope Moves Mountains. You can donate to SU2C by going to my page. You can also order Beautycounter products thru my web site and select my "Social On A Mission" and a % of the sales will be donated to Stand Up 2 Cancer.
“How are you feeling? Your smiling, but your always smiling”
2 years ago. I had had my gallbladder out and ended up back in the ER because of intense pain. I remember checking into the ER and I had to keep talking my self out of passing out from the pain. I told the woman behind the glass, I just had surgery this morning and I've had a bi-lateral mastectomy, 3 babies and this was the worst pain out of it all. I spent 3 days in the hospital and at one point my doctor came to see me and asked how I was feeling. He said "Your smiling, but your always smiling." That was me, my theory was to "Just Keep Smiling" My hair was really starting to grow back and I was gearing up for my biggest surgery. You would think the first was the biggest but the rebuilding process proved more complicated. I earned my wings, my cape and a fast pass thru the pearly gates the past couple of years. For someone who had never had surgery before having 5 in one year was crazy. I am really trying to hold on to the memory of right before I fell asleep...
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