Behind the scenes photo with Morgan Freeman during our Stand Up 2 Cancer PSA shoot and the published ad. So amazing to be a part of this. I feel like this is my journey to be open and show that "You have been assigned this Mountain to show that it can be moved." I had 2 more surgeries, endless physical therapy and a long recovery still ahead of me after these photos were taken.
“How are you feeling? Your smiling, but your always smiling”
2 years ago. I had had my gallbladder out and ended up back in the ER because of intense pain. I remember checking into the ER and I had to keep talking my self out of passing out from the pain. I told the woman behind the glass, I just had surgery this morning and I've had a bi-lateral mastectomy, 3 babies and this was the worst pain out of it all. I spent 3 days in the hospital and at one point my doctor came to see me and asked how I was feeling. He said "Your smiling, but your always smiling." That was me, my theory was to "Just Keep Smiling" My hair was really starting to grow back and I was gearing up for my biggest surgery. You would think the first was the biggest but the rebuilding process proved more complicated. I earned my wings, my cape and a fast pass thru the pearly gates the past couple of years. For someone who had never had surgery before having 5 in one year was crazy. I am really trying to hold on to the memory of right before I fell asleep...
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