This time last year.

The song "Time Keeps on Slipping into the Future" comes to mind today. In just a couple of months I'll hit the 2 years since I was diagnosed mark. Right now my thoughts are with the job I had been hired for, that was a perfect work from home but go into the office once a week steady paycheck, let's start looking at houses kind of job. My husband had commercials running, I had a great part time job and the girls were happy. Annabelle was only 4 months old. This day 2 years ago. I didn't know I had a time bomb lurking beneath the surface.
 Today we are watching every dollar we spend, I have been replaced at that job long ago and I'm doing another part time job that doesn't pay much, not enough to think about getting the girls a house with a yard like we had dreamed,  but I'm learning new job skills and it reminds me to keep the faith in God that everything will work out and we will all be ok.
 I had an MRI on my neck a couple of weeks ago because last November I started having neck pain and it just got worse and worse. Physical Therapy didn't help and so the Xray and MRI and even Cortisone shots were done. Still pain. I have 2 bulging discs and they pinch my nerves if I move just the wrong way. I also get numbness in my hands, the neck pain is on the left but the numbness is more on the right. When I went to the follow up with the specialist to talk about the MRI, 2 of my girls were with me. The conversation went normally, the doctor showing me images from the MRI and talking about putting me on an oral steroid to see if that will help and if not doing more invasive things like epidurals in my neck. Then the "I'm also obligated to tell you we found a lesion on your thyroid during the MRI and I would recommend you get an ultrasound to have it checked out."
Wait, What?? I thought to myself: Forget about the pain in my neck, what does lesion mean? Does that mean cancer? Does that mean a little line, what does that mean? I just smiled and said, "Thank you for letting me know I'll get in touch with my doctor (the second I walk out of the office) and tell her what you found.
 I don't want to drag it out for anyone, the lesion ended up being a cyst. I'm ok, and even though I seem to win the bad news lottery when it comes to medical diagnosis and surgical complications on this day at the ultrasound on my thyroid I got good news. I do feel like I can feel that darn cyst now though. The will look at again in 6 months. For now, I'm happy to have good news and now on to entertaining my 3 girls for the summer and trying to make ends meet.



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