Embrace your community. Even Batman knew he needed the Justice League, you don't have to Move this Mountain on your own.

You look at photos of before the mountain was even there. 3 years ago today I had a beautiful 8 week old baby girl. She was our most wonderful surprise. We had to try for a long time with each of our older girls but this one was an amazing gift we weren't expecting. Our "Bonus Baby" as we started to call her. I look at this photo and I can feel the feelings I was having at this time. I was overwhelmed by suddenly being a #momofthree of course but in these moments when it was just me and her things were sweet and simple. Shortly after this is when the random pains begun in my left breast. I just thought it was an inflamed milk duct so I worked thru the little electric shocks I would get here and there. Being a 3rd time mom doesn't make you an expert by any means. It's different every time. The one thing that is different is that you have even less time to worry about yourself and some little pain that just comes and goes with no rhyme or reason. Eventually when the baby started getting fussy nursing on that side I did take her to the doctor because I thought maybe she had thrush and it was inflaming my milk ducts. The doctor put her on medicine and it was a tough couple of weeks because that stuff was nasty. Nothing changed but soon I felt the big bump that would lead me to the doctor. I thought they would just refer me to the specialist to get the cyst drained and I'd go back about my business of being mom of three. I was wrong. There was suddenly a huge mountain in front of me. I stood there holding my baby looking up at this Rainier in front of me. It had to be moved. So, I started pushing and I started fighting and I kept smiling because one thing cancer would not take from me is my ability to love those around me, my love for my family and my appreciation for the community around me. It wasn't just me moving the mountain it was all of them pushing right along with me. Embrace your community, take the help, eat the meals, concentrate on getting healthy. That is part of beating cancer. You don't have to fight this battle alone that doesn't make you stronger. Even Batman knew he needed the Justice League to win the battle that was coming.


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