"Hope and Love can deliver us from impossible situations."

When I was at my biopsy to find out if I had cancer. The doctor could tell by looking at the screen that it was cancer she was looking at. The mass was really big, so big in fact that I would find out later that my doctor and even the radiologist was really scared for me. The mass was 11.5cm. The doctor said "I want you to have Hope, there is a lot we can do for you." I said, "Of course I have Hope, I have 3 kids, I'm not going anywhere." Once I was able to tell my family members I started sharing my news with my friends and community. People started praying for me and because I was open to receiving prayers I believe a miracle happened. The morning of my first surgery, my bilateral mascetomay as I walked into the hospital I looked around and I felt like there should be music playing. I felt all the prayers and the love and positive energy filling my body and soul. It was an incredible experience. I even had nuns around the world praying for me at that exact moment. I know I had my loved ones who have passed to the other side with me, sending their love to me. I knew that I was walking into the hospital with cancer and I would be walking out cancer free. Chemo and 4 more surgeries would come and the emotional toll would be like climbing a mountain but with love and hope I moved that mountain. I survived.


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